Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Images of yoga

Muscle Building Workouts - Easy or Difficult

Muscle building is quite a tough job to do. I have seen many people who initially started muscle building workouts and then leaving it after few weeks or months. Patience, strength and regularity are the keys to get succeeded in a complete muscular structure.
If you are looking for muscle building workouts, I will be telling you the complete details. There are certain things which need very special attention: 
  • Actual workouts
  • Workout procedure
  • Weight & Reps
Actual workouts:
There are two types of workouts:
Isolation exercises: Isolation exercises only focuses on one muscle. These workouts perform in isolation. Like bicep curls will only focus on the muscles of your bicep.
Compound exercises: Compound exercises include the movement of compound or more than one muscle. Like chin ups will focus on back and bicep muscles.
Some basic compound workouts: 
  • Bench press
  • Deadlifts
  • Squats
  • Military press
  • Chin ups
  • Dips
For a perfect muscular body you should use compound workouts. I personally use compound workouts. These are very effective as these involve more than one muscle. When I started my initial muscle building workouts, it looked very difficult to perform compound exercises, but now I am used to them. So never lose hope and keep on trying.
Workout procedure:
Be very careful about the muscle building workout that you are performing. I would prefer using free weights instead of machines. Free weights can be adjusted according to the muscle need. Machines are good but only when you are targeting a particular muscle. Be very careful about the procedure of the workouts. Doing a good workout in a wrong way can ruin your muscle very badly. I suggest use compound exercises.
Weight & reps:
This is the most important step in muscle building workouts. Initially when you will start, you should be using light weights and high reps and gradually with days, increase the weight and decrease the reps. After one month of your startup, weight should be heavy and reps should be low. Using big and heavy weights will increase the muscle. Heavy weight means weight which is difficult to hold, this will increase the stress on the muscle.
Another important factor of muscle building workouts is the diet. Diet is though not directly related to the workout but it is very important. I take proteins everyday in excess and avoid fats. You should also be doing the same. Fats will make you fat so avoid them. If your diet is not healthy and nutritious you will start losing weight instead of gaining muscles.
An alternate to diet is supplements. Most people use supplements to gain mass and muscles. They are indeed very helpful. I personally use many supplements. Supplements have all the necessary calories and nutrition which a body needs. So do take help from supplements as well. Happy muscle building.

The Key to Proper Exercise

I Believe in the Yin and Yang
In traditional Chinese arts, including medicine and the martial arts, there are two opposite but complementary polarities, the yin and the yang. This is seen in the symbol of the Yin and Yang, sometimes called the Tai Chi symbol. It is a circle divided in two by a wavy line through its center, dividing the circle into two equal halves. One half is black and the other white. In the black half a smaller white circle is present and conversely in the white half a smaller black circle is present. This represents the Yin and Yang.
The Yin, represented traditionally by the black half of the circle, is also representative of night, softness, yielding, feminine, and nurturing. The white half would therefore be Yang, representing day, strong, masculine. Just as you cannot have day without having its corresponding night, you cannot have Yin without Yang and Yang without Yin. With the smaller black circle contained in the white half, this teaches us that within all Yang there is also some Yin and vice versa. The wavy line through the center signifies that the change between the two is constant; night is always turning into day and day turning into night, a never ending cycle of night and day.
Many are under the assumption that life is a delicate balance between the two, trying without ceasing to walk the fine line down the center. Walking this fine line becomes a never ending walk of frustration, as balancing the two is impossible. I believe this leads to an unbalanced approach to life. As day turns into night, so also Yin must turn into Yang.
Let's get practical. In everyday life Yin, which traditionally represents feminine, softness, nurturing, should be applied when dealing with a loved one. A spouse, child, parent, should be treated with Yin. On the other side of the coin, pursuing our dreams, completing a task or exercising should be treated with Yang. We all know there are times when an aggressive approach, (Yang) is the right choice and when it is the worst possible choice. Therefore, trying to balance the two becomes a mistake.
I believe a more practical and realistic approach would be to experience the two rather than a balancing act.
A parent, raising and nurturing children could benefit from a self defense class or maybe a kick boxing course. When they are with their children, they should be predominantly Yin. A self defense class or kick boxing, (Yang), would be a tremendous benefit, not just the exercise element or the release, but both. This is an example of both. Conversely, someone in a workplace that involves any form of aggression would benefit tremendously from a meditation class, yoga or Tai Chi. All of these are predominantly Yin.
A simplification would be: anything that raises the blood pressure would be Yang; anything that calms the body would be Yin. Remember, stress raises blood pressure, so anything that lowers it would be beneficial. Exercise also raises blood pressure, but hopefully in a good way.
The goal is to experience both, Yin and Yang. For every 30 minutes of kick boxing, sparring, self defense training, counter that with 30 minutes of meditation, yoga or Tai Chi. This way you experience both polarities, both Yin and Yang. Experiencing both will naturally balance the individual. Rather than trying to walk the tight rope between the two, experiencing both will lead you to a balanced, more content life.
Try it for yourself, if you are a martial artist, for every minute you spend in the gym or dojo, spend an equal amount of time meditating. If you are a yoga practitioner or spend time meditating daily, try signing up for a self defense or kick boxing class. Then feel the benefits of experiencing the Yin and Yang. The benefits will surprise you.
Life is not a tight rope walk; life is all about the experiences.

Friday, December 24, 2010


During stressful situations we rarely stop to think about what is happening within our bodies. Indeed, the pressures of the moment keep our minds occupied on almost everything but our physiological functions. Consequently those functions often become irregular, leaving us in an unhealthy state of being. When we are in this state we have fewer chances to succeed in whatever we try to accomplish.
Among the many physiological functions adversely affected by stress is our breathing. Even when stress is minimal few people retain a habit of natural, full breathing which is required for maintaining a good mental and physical state. Proper breathing is essential for sustaining life and cleansing inner body systems. By learning proper breathing techniques stressful situations may be handled better and overall mental and physical health will be improved.

Oxygen plays a vital role in the circulatory and respiratory systems. As we breathe, oxygen that is inhaled purifies our blood by removing poisonous waste products circulating throughout our blood systems. Irregular breathing will hamper this purification process and cause waste products to remain in circulation. Digestion will then become irregular, leaving tissues and organs undernourished. Improper oxygen consumption will thus ultimately lead to fatigue and heightened anxiety states. The irregular breathing elicited during stressful situations not only make them hard to cope with but also contribute to a general deterioration of health. By the careful control of our breathing pattern, we may not only rejuvenate our systems but counter the unhealthy effects of stress.
Breathing methods are useful to settle the body and mind and induce a heightened sense of awareness. Breathing exercises have been practiced for thousands of years in the East. The West began studying the effectiveness and importance of them several years ago. By this time, sufficient research has taken place in the West to verify the usefulness of these techniques.
The following breathing methods can be helpful for reducing anger, anxiety, depression, fatigue, irritability, muscular tension and stress.
While breathing is a function most people take for granted, rarely is it practiced in a proper fashion. Before beginning any technique it is essential that you learn how to breath properly and fully:

  • Lie down on a rug or blanket on the floor with your legs straight and slightly apart, your toes pointed comfortably outwards, arms at your sides not touching your body, your palms up, and your eyes closed. This is called a "relaxed body" position. Take time to relax your body and breathe freely.

  • It is best to breathe through your nose, as the tiny hairs and mucous membranes filter out dust and toxins from the inhaled air. Keep your mouth closed as you breathe.

  • As you breathe, your chest and abdomen should move together. If only the chest seems to rise and fall, your breathing is shallow and you are not making good use of the lower part of your lungs. As you inhale you should feel your abdomen rising; it is as if your stomach is filling with air. As you exhale, the abdomen comes back in, like a balloon releasing all of its air. This inhale and exhale process should continue comfortably and smoothly. The chest and abdomen should rise as you inhale and fall as you exhale. The chest should move only slightly.

    Although this exercise can be practiced in a variety of poses, the following is recommended for beginners:

  • Lie down on a blanket or rug on the floor. Bend your knees and move your feet about eight inches apart, with your toes turned outward slightly. Make sure your spine is straight.

  • Place one hand on your abdomen and one hand on your chest.

  • Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose into your abdomen to push up your hand as much as feels comfortable. Your chest should move only a little and only with your abdomen.

  • Continue step three until it becomes rhythmic and comfortable. Now smile slightly, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, making a quiet, breezy sound as you gently blow out. Your mouth, tongue and jaw will be relaxed. Take long, slow, deep breaths raising and lowering your abdomen. Hear the sound and feel the texture of breathing as you become more and more relaxed.

  • When you first begin this technique, do it for five minutes. When you become more comfortable with it, you may extend it up to 20 minutes.

  • Upon ending a session, stay still for a few minutes and try to keep the entire body relaxed.

  • The purpose of this technique is to develop a good, relaxing breathing method. It may be practiced anytime, especially during stressful situations.

    Sighing and yawning during the day are signs that you are not getting enough oxygen. A sigh releases a bit of tension and can be practiced at will as a means of relaxing.

  • Sit or stand up straight.

  • Sigh deeply, letting out a sound of deep relief as the air rushes out of your lungs.

  • Let new air come in naturally.

  • Repeat this procedure eight to twelve times whenever you feel the need for it, and experience the feeling of relaxation.

    This exercise will stimulate your breathing, circulation and nervous system.

  • Stand up straight, hands at your sides.

  • Inhale and hold a complete natural breath as described above.

  • Raise your arms out in front of you, keeping them up and relaxed.

  • Gradually bring your hands to your shoulders. As you do, slowly contract your hands into fists so that when they reach your shoulders they are clenched as tight as possible.

  • Keep the fists tense as you push your arms out straight again very slowly.

  • Pull your arms back to your shoulders and straighten them out, fists tense, as fast as you can, several times.

    This exercise combines the relaxing benefits of deep, relaxed breathing with the curative value of positive auto-suggestions.

  • Lie down on a rug or blanket on the floor in a "relaxed body" pose.

  • Place your hands gently on your solar plexus (that point where your ribs start to separate above your abdomen) and practice deep, relaxed breathing for a few minutes.

  • Imagine that, with each incoming breath of air, energy is rushing into your lungs and being immediately stored in your solar plexus. Imagine that as you exhale, this energy is flowing out to all parts of your body. Form a mental picture of this energizing process.

  • Continue on a daily basis for at least five to ten minutes a day.

    The following exercise requires a partner and is effective in relaxing and energizing you.

  • Lie on your back. Have your partner put one hand on your abdomen and one hand on your chest.

  • Inhale and exhale as in deep, relaxed breathing, but each inhale is taken in two stages abdomen, then chest. Imagine that you are breathing into your partner's hand as you fill your belly with air. When your abdomen feels full, continue breathing into your chest. Watch your partner's hands as it rises.

  • Exhale fully through the chest and belly simultaneously.

  • Repeat. It is important to keep a rhythmic rolling effect between abdomen and chest. Breathe at your natural pace, however.

  • Any of the above techniques can and should be practiced everyday. Being a natural preventive measure for stress, there are very few side effects. It will take some time before you observe any profound changes within your body and mind taking place, but practice diligently and patiently. You will eventually realize that you have more energy and are much more relaxed.

    It Starts With Breathing

    There's a reason why many languages use the same word for "breath" and "spirit. It's because they recognize that the way we breathe determines how other things in our lives will go. If we don't breathe, we die, of course. But if we don't breathe properly, we deprive our bodies of many things we really need for good health.
    Sitting up straight and allowing yourself to breathe deeply can help to oxygenate your body (not to mention improving your posture). Good oxygen content in the brain promotes clear thinking, and oxygen in the blood carries energy to every part of your body. So reminding yourself to take several long, slow, deep breaths from time to time during the day will go far in improving your energy and concentration levels.
    But the very fact of slowing yourself down and adjusting one of your body's rhythms to that deep, gradual pace has other beneficial effects too. For example, a session of deep, gentle breathing can help lower your blood pressure. This will ease the effects of stress, and will lower the risk of other problems that can result from high blood pressure, such as strokes or stress on the kidneys.
    You can practise deep breathing by lying on your back on a mat or towel, placing one h and on your abdomen and the other on your chest. Breathe in through your nose, deeply enough that your abdomen lifts. Exhale slowly and completely, through your mouth. Do this type of breathing several times each day, either lying down or sitting straight in your chair at work, home, or school.
    Even something as simple as breathing can create a feeling of well being and improve your general mood. Start with proper breathing, and you have a good foundation to build on.

    (For an interesting discussion on different breathing techniques and what they accomplish, you may be interested in thishttp://healthnfitnesstraining.blogspot.com/2010/12/breathing-techniques.html page.)

    Thursday, December 23, 2010

    A Brief Introduction To Yoga

    There are many great ways to approach fitness. Some methods aim to grant strength, while others have uses in weight loss and gaining speed or agility. One interesting facet of fitness is yoga, which can offer great benefits to those looking to explore it. If this is an interesting idea, take a look at some info on the topic.
    This discipline is an approach to both the physical and mental aspects of the human body. It originated in India, but it is also associated with the meditative practices of Buddhism, Hinduism, and many other cultures. The classical techniques associated with this practice have been found to date back as far as 5000 years or so.
    The styles of this practice are numerous, but fun to explore. Some are more beginner-friendly, while other styles are more suited to those with more flexibility and strength. The benefits of this practice are only just beginning to become fully realized. It is recommended that beginners start off slow with basics, and progressively increase the duration and difficulty of the various poses.
    The overall goals of this discipline include fitness and flexibility, proper breathing techniques, and meditative practices. Many simply try it out for a while and walk away. However, those who develop a love for the system of their choice and stick with it will find a variety of benefits to becoming more advanced.
    One of the primary benefits of this activity is the increase in the flexibility of the joints, tendons, and muscles. This can be important for avoiding a variety of injuries. Another important aspect is it's long term strengthening of muscles, which can add overall functional strength to the body.
    An increase in strength and flexibility can lead to better posture as well. Many sitting and standing poses work towards developing better core strength, which benefits basic posture. Better posture can help in avoiding many chronic pains that stem for slouching or slumping. This is especially true in avoiding back pain problems, which tends to stem from poor posture.
    Perhaps the most important benefit is its affect on stress. The calming, serene breathing and meditation has been shown to calm nerves and reduce overall stress. Stressful situations in everyday life have been linked to a variety of health issues, and the meditative aspects of this discipline can help to overcome the problem. This can also improve overall mood and increase general concentration, which can prove to be very helpful in a variety of ways throughout everyday life.
    The long term and short term benefits of yoga cannot be overstated. This ancient practice has been shown to improve the overall quality of life for most who practice it. Those who get involved are quick to cite it's benefits for both the physical body, and the improvement of psychological aspects as well. It is recommended that a beginner take a class with a qualified instructor. There is a possibility of injury for those who are not familiar with the positions, or those who may get overzealous and attempt to take on more than what is reasonable for a novice.